[kickass] Watch Full Length An American in Paris





Vincente Minnelli

audience score - 28682 Vote

user Ratings - 7,9 of 10

Duration - 1 h, 54 M

Genres - Musical


This is the first heavy metal music in history. I've never seen anything as devastatingly sexy as this dance. The First (1963. An american in paris musical broadway. An american in paris kravis center. An american in paris gene kelly. The taste of mystery, pride and innocence. Hearing this is feeling young again, on a march into a wide field and in a deap forest.

An american in paris 1951. BOLERO DE RAVEL Lembro-me, perfeitamente, quando ouvi pela primeira vez a clássica música Bolero de Ravel. Foi no começo de 1982 vendo o filme Retratos da Vida (Les uns et les Autres/1981. Obra-prima do diretor Claude Lelouch. A película foi exibida no Cine Nordeste, ali no Grande Ponto. Em agosto, daquele mesmo ano, viajei até a cidade de São Paulo. Em novembro fui para São José dos Campos, no Vale do Paraíba. Naqueles dias conheci o senhor Iron Bastos. Um momem moreno, estatura mediana. Barba grisalha e tinha e uma calvície profunda. Os braços bastante peludos. Ele tinha todas as características físicas de um árabe e amava a cultura árabe. Advogado, era um intelectual. Quando percebeu a minha também paixão pela cultura árabe, o irmão passou a me dedicar atenção especial. Ele morava em uma rua transversal da avenida Cassiopéia, próximo à avenida Andrômeda, no bairro Jardim Satélite. Fui algumas vezes até sua casa e era sempre muito bem recebido. Havia um bonito órgão eletrônico na sala. Todo de madeira, com longos pedais para prolongamento do som, creio. O homem sempre me oferecia para tocar alguma coisa. Para agradá-lo, eu batia com o dedo em uma tecla e agradecia a gentileza. Não toco nenhum instrumento até hoje. O irmão Iron Bastos tinha-me em boa consideração e incentivou a conhecer a obra de Malba Tahan (1895-1974) narrando duas belíssimas histórias de um dos livros do escritor. Em uma de minhas visitas, ele me disse: Barbosa, gosto de seu jeito. Não alimenta fanatismo, mas paixão. Tem a mente aberta. Isso é muito bom. Quanto mais você conhecer, menos escravo será. Agora vamos ouvir uma música que vai gostar. Ela retrata uma caravana árabe pelo deserto. O final é apoteótico. Lembra o blaterar dos dromedários - quando no término de uma viagem. O homem botou um vinil na vitrola e pediu silêncio a todos: Bolero de Ravel! Ficamos mais de quinze minutos ouvindo aquela música cadenciada que, a cada repetição, novos instrumentos iam se somando aos que se iniciara. a única sensação de mudança é dada pelos efeitos de orquestração e dinâmica, com um crescendo progressivo e uma curta modulação em mi maior próxima ao fim, mas retorna ao dó maior original faltando apenas oito compassos do final. Boléro, título original em francês, é uma obra musical de um único movimento escrita para orquestra por Maurice Ravel (1875-1937. Originalmente composta para um Ballet, e que teve sua première em 1928, é considerada a obra mais famosa de Ravel. Quando voltei para Natal, em meados de 1984, fui procurar aquele disco na loja Discol, do amigo Luís, na Cidade Alta (de frente para o Cine Nordeste) onde sempre comprei LP's. Mas só consegui uma cópia em 1989. O disco, cuja capa trás um desenho de dançarinos nus, trazia um encarte com excelente informação sobre a música. Descobri que não havia nada, absolutamente nada, sobre motivos árabes. Lembrei-me de Iron Bastos e sorri. Era tudo uma maravilhosa fantasia do amigo - e eu embarquei também. Até hoje ouço a música pensando numa caravana árabe que, depois de cansativos dias no deserto, finalmente chega a um prazeroso oásis. Penso nos movimentos cadenciados dos dromedários. Em adagas, kafias. Penso em sedas transparentes em volta de belíssimas odaliscas morenas, de grandes e misteriosos olhos negros - tudo me fazendo sonhar com As Mil e Uma Noites. Cidade do Natal, 25 de junho de 2019.

An american in paris phoenix. An american in paris cast. Страна: США Жанр: мелодрама, мюзикл Год выпуска: 1951 Продолжительность: 01:53:32 Режиссер: Винсенте Миннелли / Vincente Minnelli В ролях: Джин Келли, Лесли Карон, Оскар Левант, Жорж Гуэтари, Нина Фок, Мари Антониетта Эндрюс, Martha Bamattre, Мэдж Блейк, Нэн Бордман, Юджин Борден Описание: Бывший солдат Джерри пытается стать художником в послевоенном Париже. И имеет некоторый успех, найдя богатую покровительницу, которая покупает его картины и рекомендует их своим друзьям. Однажды он заходит в ночной клуб и знакомится с Лизой и молодые люди моментально влюбляются. Но позже она неожиданно сообщает, что помолвлена с его другом. И Джерри, и Лиза поступают благородно, решив более не встречаться..

An american in paris songs. Synopsis An American in Paris is a story of finding love, happiness, and a new lease on life. The musical is set in the City of Lights, Paris, as it emerges from the shadows of World War II. As the weight of the Nazi Occupation begins to lift, the city’s inhabitants come alive and rediscover life’s grandest possibilities. An American veteran and aspiring painter, Jerry, is still reeling from the war when he discovers the girl of his dreams: Lise, a captivating young dancer at the ballet. Jerry falls in love with the mystery girl as soon as he spots her in a crowd on the street. By chance or fate, Jerry and Lise are brought together at a ballet rehearsal, where Jerry has come to visit his friend Adam, the company’s composer. While there, Jerry catches the eye of Milo, an American heiress and Adam’s patron. To add more confusion to this love triangle, Lise is already engaged to marry Henri, a rich young business man, who dreams of being a performer, himself. But does Lise truly love Henri? Or is Jerry, the American stranger, the man she is meant to love? And even if she loves Jerry, can Lise find a way to move on from the fact that Henri’s family saved her life during the war? Set to some of the George and Ira Gershwin’s most timeless music, An American in Paris brings both complexity and joy to the journey of Lise, Jerry, and their friends, as they fall in love, follow their dreams, and celebrate the most wonderful joys of being alive. **Note: this stage musical’s plot differs greatly from the 1951 film of the same name starring Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron. For information on the film, start here: American in Paris (film).

An american in paris poster. An american in paris chicago. An american in paris soundtrack. A classic 1951 musical romantic comedy starring Gene Kelly just one year before he went on to perform in Singin' in the Rain, and directed by the legendary Vincente Minnelli, with a story and screenplay by Alan Jay Lerner. Taking place in a (very idealized) post-World War II Paris, An American in Paris tells the tale of an expatriate named Jerry Mulligan (Kelly), as he attempts to scrape a living as an artist in the Left Bank. While doing so, he falls in love with Lise ( Leslie Caron), but she loves his friend, Henri, one of the most successful musicians in Paris. The plot is nothing to write home about, since it's mostly a pretext to hang George Gershwin's music and Kelly's choreography on. Luckily, the film is buoyed by an excellent cast and capable director. One quirk of the movie is its lack of Parisian locations, opting instead for hyper-stylized, colorful scenery that evokes Impressionist paintings. It is best remembered for its climax: a 16-minute, psychedelic ballet inside the main protagonist's psyche. Adapted into a stage musical in 2015. This movie provides examples of: Age-Gap Romance: Both Jerry and Henri (whose actors were both in their late 30s) are vying for the affections of Lise, who is 19. Award-Bait Song Big Fancy House: Milo's apartment. Jerry looks around as though he's wandered into the wrong Fred Astaire movie by mistake. Brilliant, but Lazy: Adam is allergic to work and subsists himself entirely on scholarships, making him (by his own admission) "the world's oldest child prodigy. " Nevertheless, a peek into his dream world betrays his concert hall ambitions. Deadpan Snarker: Adam Cook. Disney Acid Sequence & Dream Sequence Henri's glowing description of his girlfriend, Lise, plays out in a series of ballet routines. Each time Adam asks what she's like, Henri comes up with a comically different answer. There is one scene where Oscar Levant's character, Adam, is just sitting in his apartment, all by himself, staring off into space. Then, unexpectedly, the scene then cuts to him performing in a grand concert hall. Both the band and the audience is composed entirely of himself (! ). Towards the end of the movie, Jerry has seemingly just lost Lise to his friend, Henri, and the two are flying off to America to get married. The camera cuts to reveal two pieces of paper, containing Jerry's sketch of the Arc de Triomphe, which land side-by-side, almost as if it was never ripped in half. Then, it dissolves to Jerry being transported to a strange realm that resembles a series of famous French paintings. note Disposable Fiancé: Henri is a particularly kindhearted example. Though he looks stormy when he finds out just who that lovely young lady he was encouraging Jerry to pursue is, after an offscreen conversation with Lise (where presumably she confesses just how much she returns Jerry's affections), he drives her right back to the party so she can run into Jerry's arms, and smiles as she does so. Dogged Nice Guy: Rejected by Lise over the phone, Jerry simply goes to her workplace and keeps talking to her until she agrees to go on a date with him. Double Take: Jerry's reaction to seeing Winston Churchill painting alone by the river. The "British Bulldog" was an amateur painter in real life. Exact Eavesdropping: Jerry and Lise lament their thwarted love to each other, unaware that a stony-faced Henri is listening in. Failure Is the Only Option: In the final dream sequence, Jerry keeps running after Lise, but she always slips away from him. At one point, she turns into flowers whilst wrapped in his arms. Flower Motifs: In this case, a rose. Freudian Trio: Adam's a chain-smoking cynic, Henri's drunk on life, and Jerry is an uneasy mix of the two. Friend to All Children: Jerry adores kids, but he hates college students. Jerry: They're always making profound observations they've overheard. Gay Paree Glamorous Wartime Singer: Inverted with Henri, who can't tolerate jazz and prefers the old-school, sentimental stuff. He has an entire number all about how much he's a fan of Strauss waltzes. Hollywood Old: Georges Guétary, who was actually younger than Gene Kelly at the time. They greyed up the actor's hair so it wouldn't be as obvious. Hopeless Suitor: Milo Roberts, the American heiress who expressed interest in Jerry's paintings. Jerry, convinced that Milo wanted nothing more than a gigolo, wants none of it, but Milo convinces him to let her be his patron. She ends up falling hard for Jerry, but her feelings aren't reciprocated. Hypocritical Humor: During Adam's voice-over, he mentions having to support himself (le gasp! ) for a brief stretch, but stopped because "I was beginning to like it, and I didn't want to become a slave to the habit. " (He says with a cigarette dangling from his mouth. ) Idle Rich: Milo, who supports herself (and Jerry) on her father's fortune in suntan oil. The closest she comes to a job is plugging Jerry to various art critics and gallery owners. Jerry: What are you working on? Milo: At the moment, you. I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: The last scene of the movie, Henri realizes that Lise truly loves Jerry and gallantly steps aside so Lise and Jerry can be together. I'm Standing Right Here: Subverted. While serving drinks at a party, Adam engages Milo in conversation and makes a backhanded remark about Jerry's "sponsor". Unamused, Milo reveals her identity, to which Adam retorts, "I know who you are. " Insignia Ripoff Ritual: Jerry tears a sketch in half, quietly declaring that he and Paris are done; it's just going to remind him of Lise from now on. This sketch becomes the setting for the ballet. Joisey: "Perth Amboy, New Jersey! " Lady in Red: Jerry is constantly being hounded by 'Furies' in the ballet sequence. It's your guess as to what they represent. This is a Shout-Out to Agnes De Mille's choreography in Oklahoma!, which featured the same ladies in red hunting Curly. Love Triangle: Henri, oblivious to this, offers straight-faced advice to Jerry on how to woo their girl. "S' Wonderful" ends hilariously with both male leads on opposite ends of the street, singing, "That she should care for ME! " Not Listening to Me, Are You? : Adam's vain attempts to halt Jerry and Henri's intersecting chat about Lise. Adam: Did I ever tell you about the time I gave a command performance for Hitler? Opposites Attract Revenge: Upon being jilted, Jerry comes knocking on Milo's door again. Plucky Comic Relief: Adam is a deadpan version of this trope, which makes it funnier. Portal Picture: Jerry is seemingly drawn into a black & white sketch for the final dance number. Pretty in Mink: Milo, with a fur muff, a white mink cape, and a wrap of black and white fox. Rule of Symbolism: All those people at the fancy ball, and no one managed to buy a costume that isn't black & white. Even Adam is wearing monochromatic cowboy gear. This is to set up Jerry's entry into the dream world, which is exploding with color. Self-Duplication: Adam's fantasy sequence. It starts off with Adam, alone in his apartment, staring at the ceiling. Then the scene dissolves into a rather bizarre moment where Adam is on a dark stage, all by himself, performing what we believe to be his own music. Then the camera pulls back to reveal the other members of the band—all Adam, performing each individual instrument in perfect harmony. Then the conductor, flawlessly driving the band's actions, is yet another Adam. All the Adams continue to play, reaching a crescendo and thusly concluding the piece to thunderous applause. The scene gets weirder as it reveals that all the audience members, every single one of them, are Adam. It promptly fades to black, without incident, and gets back to the plot as though nothing has happened. Here it is. Sliding Scale of Fourth Wall Hardness: The A Simple Girl scene, where Henri is describing what Lise is like to Adam, falls on the Completely Solid Fourth Wall area. No acknowledgment of the audience, but every time Henri changes his mind about Lise, everything, from the music, to the environment, to even Lise's costume and the way she dances, changes in order to reflect his viewpoint. This Is Reality is definitely in full effect. Spit Take: Adam spills his coffee down his front when he learns the name of Jerry's crush. He orders some brandy in reaction, only to spill that when Henri declares that he's engaged to the same girl. When Henri and Jerry obliviously start swapping love tales of Lise, Adam really starts to hit the sauce. Stalker with a Crush: Jerry, arguably. He introduced himself to Lise by conning her into a dance, pretending to be an old acquaintance in front of her friends. He even shows up at Lise's place of work, despite her repeatedly telling him to buzz off. On the opposite end, we have Milo, who is trying her damnedest to make Jerry love her. Starving Artist: Jerry's loft puts Elwood Blues to shame. Every piece of furniture is a fold-away. Title Drop: The opening voiceover. "This is Paris. And I'm an American who lives here. " Trrrilling Rrrs: "But mark my words, dear lady, this word will soon rrrrrring with the name of Mulligan. Picasso will be known as the forerunner of Mulligan. This tree will be famous for being painted by Mulligan. " Wife Husbandry: Henri knew Lise when she was a child, and served as her guardian after her parents were killed in World War II. He claims he didn't romance her until she came back years later.

An american in paris palace theater. An american in paris length. An american in paris full movie. An american in paris piano. An american in paris drury lane. An american in paris - the musical 2018. Mesmerized.

An american in paris drury lane reviews. He was amazing. An American in paris. An american in paris gershwin. An american in paris broadway. An american in paris ballet. An american in paris tickets los angeles. An american in paris lyrics. An american in paris musical 1951 leslie caron. An american in paris pantages. An american in paris symphony. An american in paris miami florida. If I remember, Ira Gershwin, the lyricist and brother of George, offered the Gershwin catalog for this film and it was snapped up by the producers. In many respects, it was a typical 50's movie musical by the Freed Unit at MGM and directed by Vincente Minelli with a lot of help from Gene Kelly.
The Gershwins were, of course, among the greatest of all Broadway musical teams but, in my opinion, George himself was among the greatest of all American composers, period. Gene Kelly was, of course, one of the two greatest male dancers of the movie musical (One guess as to the other? and I don't imagine his casting was ever in doubt. But, I think the rest of the cast needs some explanation: Oscar Levant was a noted personality in his time and, as an actual friend of George Gershwin, he had to be in this film. He was a talented pianist and even a moderately talented composer as well as a noted neurotic and hypochondriac and here, as always, he plays himself.
Leslie Caron was an unknown at this time and she was of the French "gamin" type. A talented dancer, she was never a real beauty. George Guétary who plays the part of Maurice Chavalier, oops, I mean Henri Baurel, was Greek and not French but he certainly is more than OK as a French boulevardier even if a little too young for the part.
Gene's hoofer's voice is serviceable here but Guétary has much the better vocal equipment. Though Gene was better cast elsewhere as, obviously, in "Singin' in the Rain" where his character is much more calculating, even here he shows himself to be something of a heel at times (He was, not for nothing, cast as the original heel Joey in Pal Joey, the Broadway musical.) I was not so enchanted with his "I Got Rhythm" scene with the children which does not appear as spontaneous as was intended in my opinion.
I also found Nina Foch's character Milo to be rather irritating.
But the highlight of the film is obviously the lengthy ballet at the end of the film based on the title music with sets and costumes in the styles of the great French Impressionist painters.
I found it difficult to believe Gene and Oscar, as struggling artists, and I don't think the musical numbers are as well set up as they might be but, on balance, the Gershwin music is very well served in this film.
The DVD is well-done with fine clear graphics (when they are supposed to be) and the mono sound is good but a trifle shallow.

Loved this as a child, this piece used to play on the radio during the 80s and 90s almost everyday in Egypt under the Cairo National Broadcast, it played on 1001 nights as the intro and background music while a story was acted. My father and I would enjoy this on trips or just a morning drive to get breakfast for the family. This music will always remain and represent a big part of myself and my childhood. An american in paris play. USA, 1950 Director: Vincente Minnelli Production: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Picture Corp. ; Technicolor, 35mm; running time: 113 minutes. Released 1950. Filmed 1 August 1950 through fall 1950 at MGM studios, Culver City, California; also on location in Paris. Producer: Arthur Freed; screenplay: Alan Jay Lerner; photography: Al Gilks and John Alton (final ballet); editor: Adrienne Fazan; art directors: Preston Ames and Cedric Gibbons; set decorators: Keogh Gleason and Edwin B. Willis; music: George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin; music directors: Johnny Green and Saul Chaplin; costume designers: Orry-Kelly, Walter Plunkett (Beaux-Arts Ball costumes), Irene Sharaff (final ballet costumes); choreography: Gene Kelly. Cast: Gene Kelly ( Jerry Mulligan); Leslie Caron ( Lise Borvier); Oscar Levant ( Adam Cook); Georges Guetary ( Henri Baurel); Nina Foch ( Milo Roberts); Eugene Borden ( Georges Mattieu); Martha Bamattre ( Mathilde Mattieu); Mary Young ( Old woman dancer); Ann Codee ( Therese); George Davis ( Francola); Hayden Rourke ( Tommy Baldwin); Paul Maxey ( John McDowd); Dick Wessel ( Ben Macrow). Awards: Oscars for Best Picture, Story and Screenplay, Cinematography—Color, Art Direction—Color, Scoring, Costume Design—Color, 1951; American Film Institute 's "100 Years, 100 Movies, " 1998. Publications Books: de la Roche, Catherine, Vincente Minnelli, Wellington, New Zealand, 1959; reprinted in Film Culture ( New York), June 1959. Griffith, Richard, The Cinema of Gene Kelly, New York, 1962. Truchaud, François, Vincente Minnelli, Paris, 1966. Springer, John, All Talking, All Singing, All Dancing, New York, 1966. Kobal, John, Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance, New York, 1970. Burrows, Michael, Gene Kelly: Versatility Personified, St. Austell, Cornwall, 1971. Thomas, Lawrence B., The MGM Years, New Rochelle, New York, 1972. Knox, Donald, The Magic Factory: How MGM Made "An American in Paris, " New York, 1973. Hirschhorn, Clive, Gene Kelly: A Biography, London, 1974; revised edition 1984. Stern, Lee Edward, The Movie Musical, New York, 1974. Delameter, James, Dance in the Hollywood Musical, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1981. Guerif, François, Vincente Minnelli, Paris, 1984. Brion, Patrick, and others, Vincente Minnelli, Paris, 1985. Minnelli, Vincente, I Remember it Well, Hollywood, 1990. Harvey, Stephen, Directed by Vincente Minnelli, New York, 1990. Naremore, James, The Films of Vincent Minnelli, New York, 1993. Yudkoff, Alvin, Gene Kelly; A Life of Dance and Dreams, New York, 1999. Articles: Jablonski, Edward, in Films in Review (New York), October 1951. Harcourt-Smith, Simon, in Sight and Sound (London), January-March 1952. Johnson, A., "The Films of Vincente Minnelli, " in Film Quarterly (Berkeley), Winter 1958 and Spring 1959. Minnelli, Vincente, "The Rise and Fall of the Film Musical, " in Films and Filming (London), January 1962. Behlmer, Rudy, "Gene Kelly, " in Films in Review (New York), January 1964. Cutts, John, "Dancer, Actor, Director, " in Films and Filming (London), August-September 1964. Truchaud, François, in Télérama (Paris), 13 December 1964. Steinhauer, W., "Ruekblende, " in Film und Ton (Munich), March 1973. Classic Film Collector (Indiana, Pennsylvania), Fall 1976. Johnson, Julia, in Magill's Survey of Cinema 1, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1980. Verstraten, P., in Skrien (Amsterdam), February-March 1984. Medhurst, Andy, "The Musical, " in The Cinema Book, edited by Pam Cook, London, 1985. Dalle Vacche, A., "A Painter in Hollywood: Vincente Minnelli's An American in Paris, " in Cinema Journal (Austin, Texas), no. 1, 1992. Blaney, Dorothy Gulbenkian, "Gene Kelly and the Melting Pot, " in USA Today (Arlington, Virginia), 3 August 1992. Sharaff, Irene, "Un Américain à Paris, " in Positif (Paris), July-August 1996. Zetterberg, Anna, in Chaplin (Stockholm), vol. 38, no. 2, 1996. Cohen, Clélia, "Un Américain à Paris, " in Cahiers du Cinéma (Paris), December 1997. * * * An American in Paris, one of the most successful and popular musicals in the history of film, is also one of the few Technicolor musicals to be taken seriously by critics during the Golden Age of Hollywood when many such films were made. Its grand finale, a 17-minute ballet, focused attention on the fact that films did not have to contain a serious message to be worthy examples of the art form. An American in Paris won the Academy Award for Best Picture of 1951, captured five other Academy Awards, and was placed on most lists of best films for that year. It stands as a prime example of a type of musical collaboration made during the studio system. Difficult critical questions arise regarding the complicated assigning of credit involved in evaluating such movies. First of all, An American in Paris is an example of "producer cinema, " being one of a list of musicals made by the famous Arthur Freed unit at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. The Freed unit was also responsible for The Bandwagon, Singin' in the Rain, The Pirate, Meet Me in St. Louis, and many others. Secondly, the creative input of star Gene Kelly, who did the choreography of the ballet, is undeniable, as are the myriad contributions made by MGM's outstanding roster of technicians— costume designer Irene Sharaff, cinematographer John Alton, art director Preston Ames, musicians Johnny Green and Saul Chaplin, and many more. Finally, it is most certainly a film by director Vincente Minnelli as it contains his recurring theme of characters in pursuit of their dreams, as well as his typical use of color, costume, and decor. Minnelli's musicals are among the most elegant and polished of the MGM musicals and his flair for camera movement, elaborately constructed long takes, and richly styled backgrounds contribute much to the film. The opening scenes of An American in Paris, in which its characters wake up in "this star called Paris" and go about their daily routines, constitute an homage to Rouben Mamoulian's 1932 film Love Me Tonight. In addition to the famous ballet, the innovative musical numbers contain a subjective characterization of Leslie Caron, presented through music, dance, and color. As she is described, images of her appear on screen, each with a different Gershwin tune, different color, costume, setting and color-coordinated background. She is portrayed as sexy, studious, demure, athletic, etc., while the style of dance interprets her inner quality. Other musical numbers include the pas de deux "Our Love Is Here to Stay, " which is a beautiful blend of music, setting, costume, and dance, photographed simply with a tight frame around the two dancers as the camera follows their movements. The old-fashioned "I'll Build a Staircase to Paradise" is a tribute to an earlier tradition, the Ziegfeld Follies musical number. The musical highlight of the film is the ballet itself, which is based visually on a series of famous paintings by Dufy, Utrillo, Toulouse-Lautrec, and others. The ballet's story parallels the film's narrative in an oblique manner. An ex-G. I., who has stayed on in Paris after the war, meets a young French girl, falls in love with her, and loses her. Following the ballet, a brief scene depicts a reconciliation, allowing for the inevitable happy ending. An American In Paris has undergone something of a critical devaluation in the past decade. Other Minnelli musicals ( Meet Me in St. Louis, The Pirate, The Bandwagon) are considered superior works, and the Kelly/Stanley Donen Singin' in the Rain is more popular with general audiences. An American in Paris is frequently criticized as being too sentimental, too romantic and, because of the ballet, too pretentious. Nevertheless, the film undoubtedly contributed to the maturing process of the musical genre. By challenging the idea that audiences would not understand or accept a long ballet deeply linked to the narrative of the film it helped to free the dance visually and to expand the horizons of viewers as well as the creative possibilities for the artists making musical films. —Jeanine Basinger.

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Her pointe work is exquisite. An american in paris. An american in paris showtimes. Okay. I made it to 0:50 before I started crying. iz real pretty. I started playing the piano at a very young age and always LOVED the classics. This piece is by absolute favorite piece of music in the world. It excites so much I can't listen at night if I want to go to sleep. Stunningly beautiful, hearing those violins cry. I first heard this some 70 years ago and my love for it has not diminished. Cuando por primera vez fui a los hombres cometí la tontería propia de los eremitas, la gran tontería: me instalé en el mercado. Y cuando hablaba a todos no hablaba a nadie. Y por la noche tuve como compañeros a volatineros y cadáveres; y yo mismo era casi un cadáver. Mas a la mañana siguiente llegó a mí una nueva verdad: entonces aprendí a decir «Qué me importan el mercado y la plebe y el ruido de la plebe y las largas orejas de la plebe!» Vosotros hombres superiores, aprended esto de mí: en el mercado nadie cree en hombres superiores. Y si queréis hablar allí, bien! Pero la plebe dirá parpadeando «todos somos iguales». «Vosotros hombres superiores. así dice la plebe parpadeando no existen hombres superiores, todos somos iguales, el hombre no es más que hombre, ante Dios todos somos iguales!» Ante Dios! Mas ahora ese Dios ha muerto. Y ante la plebe nosotros no queremos ser iguales. Vosotros hombres superiores, marchaos del mercado! Ante Dios. Mas ahora ese Dios ha muerto! Vosotros hombres superiores, ese Dios era vuestro máximo peligro. Sólo desde que él yace en la tumba habéis vuelto vosotros a resucitar. Sólo ahora llega el gran mediodía, sólo ahora se convierte el hombre superior en señor! ¿Habéis entendido esta palabra, oh hermanos míos? Estáis asustados: ¿sienten vértigo vuestros corazones? ¿Veis abrirse aquí para vosotros el abismo? ¿Os ladra aquí el perro infernal? Bien! Adelante! Vosotros hombres superiores! Ahora es cuando gira la montaña del futuro humano. Dios ha muerto: ahora nosotros queremos que viva el superhombre.

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